Fellmans Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews to Put a Smile on Your Face…


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Spaceballs Movie Poster

What’s good? Spaceballs is one of Mel Brooks’ better movies, in my opinion. It’s hard to say what’s good, because what isn’t good about it? It’s a hilarious movie. From the script itself to the delivery from the actors, everything is good.  

What’s bad? Aside from just the fact that it was 1987 and they were where they were as far as special effects go, there’s nothing else you could really do about that. But, if you’re just looking for things to nitpick about, that’s all you’re going to do is just bitch instead of enjoying a really great movie.  

The effects? It was 1987. What are you gonna do? People still had cords on their phones, and you had to watch things on an actual tv. You can’t judge the past for being the past. It’s not the past’s fault. 

The acting? There were some great actors back in those days. A lot of people that just disappeared. Rick Moranis gave up acting to lead a more normal and non-celebrity life.  

Spaceballs the “insert item here”. It was a deal with George Lucas that Mel Brooks could only parody Star Wars if he didn’t make any action figures of the movie because they would look too much like the Star Wars action figures. So, Brooks wrote the Yogurt merchandising scene to parody that fact. It has since become a running gag to make Spaceballs the “whatever” just to put the logo on things. 

The beauty of Mel Brooks satire. The amazing thing about Mel Brooks’ writing is how he mixes in these incredible one-liners with these simplistic, overtly obvious puns in rapid succession so that you don’t even notice them until you’ve already taken it all in. And you more than likely have to watch it more than once to do it.  

So yeah, go and see Spaceballs. I think it was one of Mel Brooks’ better movies, but when you’re as good as Mel Brooks, they’re all pretty good. And as always, keep on watching, with a smile on your face… 

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